why use mediband

  1. Track your health!

    medical idThere has been a flurry of devices that track your fitness regimes, your sleep and your diet over the past couple of years and if you're serious about your health, maybe you should give it a shot too? Fitbit is a device that wraps around your wrist much like a watch and tracks the steps you take on a daily basis. It has rudimentary sleep tracking and an app that it uploads all the data to giving you a birds eye view of how much exercise you get. You can manually track your food intake through the app and, although it's a manual process, it will help the dedicated with calorie counts and more. Jawbone UP is similar but gets a better rap for the accuracy of the data and the usefulness of the app that powers it. Forums indicate, however, that the company has quality control issues. The beauty of these devices (and there are others), is that they let you take an active role in your health. You can drive your exercise routines and the competitive nature of humans will hopefully do the rest. If you're dealing with health issues in your family, medical bracelets are a worthwhile investment - and cheap at that! A MedibandPlus medic alert bracelet tells anyone on scene what the issue potentially is. Mediband medical alert bracelets are ideal for anyone Continue reading →

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