Mediband makes life-saving products - We Donate for You
Mediband makes life-saving products and we’ve been helping to make a positive difference in people’s lives since 2004. Making awesome life saving products isn't all we want to be known for. We want to help make a healthier, safer & better world!
Mediband pledges to donate 20% of all proceeds to the charities, organisations and health & support groups listed below.
All you need to do is click on one of the banners below to decide which cause receives part of the proceeds of your order. It doesn't cost any extra for you - we simply add a cookie to your browser which lets us know which cause you have selected! Simple. Straight-forward, and what every business should do! That is, supporting important causes & communities and making the world an easier place to live in.
Our motto is Worry Less, Live More. We live by these words, and hope that giving back, we make life easier and better for millions more people around the world.
If you cannot see an organisation or cause you would like to donate to, simply ask them to contact us, and we’ll include them in the above list.
Worry Less, Live More!

Can't Find Your Favourite Organisation?
Please contact them!
We are constantly speaking to new organisations & together with your help we will be able to donate more to other worthy causes!