Medicine and business bands together
What seemed like a good idea at the time has grown organically to become an all-encompassing (and still growing) business that saves lives, writes Dominique Bambino.
Established in 2005, Mediband began in the spare bedroom of Michael Randall’s house. Like any entrepreneur, he faced some sleepless nights and drank a lot of coffee. However, the dedication slowly paid off: a year after the business launched Michael was able to move into a small office. A year later he moved into a larger one and it wasn’t long after that Mediband transformed from a promotional products supplier to a medical products supplier. There are currently two divisions: medical database and emergency medical access supplier. All divisions are still running at full steam.
Michael discovered his entrepreneurial streak as young as nine when he started selling chooks and chook eggs to salesmen at his father’s North Shore Honda Motor Dealership. Michael’s greatest mentor was his father because of the work ethic that was instilled in him from a very young age. He still has fond memories of chipping off cement from old bricks behind his father’s dealership so that they could be reused. Michael’s father constantly reminded Michael that you don’t get anything for doing nothing. Work hard in life and it will pay off.
Travelling to Hong Kong with his wife resulted in setting up his first company, being Handband: a customised silicone and promotional wristband business designed for large corporates like Nike. From there he listened to customers wanting an inexpensive medical ID bracelet and took the opportunity to create this, hence Mediband was born to help save people’s lives. The timing was right because Michael had just discovered his son also had allergies to various foods, so he became one of his customers.
You might have seen the Mediband. It looks like a silicone wristband, however this unique medical ID bracelet is specifically designed for adults, children or anyone with life threatening health conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, asthma and food and drug allergies.
“Now we have a comprehensive medical ID alert system we call Mediband Plus, which includes web-based emergency access that links to a customer’s mediband bracelet. This is gaining support from health professionals here and abroad because Mediband speaks when the patient cannot.”
Michael is not one to rest on his laurels and has taken manageable measures to always invest back into his business. As a result, Mediband has expanded from the Australian marketplace and into the UK and US.
“Our intention is to work hard and never give up. If something does not go to plan, it’s a learning experience. Each day brings its own set of rewards and lessons. We learn, grow and move with information,” Michael explains.
Mediband contributes to the community by donating to the homeless, hospitals and a number of charities such as Community Medic. For Mediband, giving back to the community is grounding and fulfilling knowing they are helping other organisations take a positive stand.
The company stands by the philosophy of listening to their customers and understanding what it is they want.
“Feedback is very important to us. It helps us grow; that’s why we have a very strong presence on social networks and on our own website to enable comments and feedback… this allows us to help others: Worry Less, Live More!”
Feedback comes from Michael’s wife, the people he works with and from customers, and he is frequently inspired by what they have to say.
For Michael every day is an achievement, however if he were to label one big achievement, it would be the success of Mediband’s online medical emergency database MedibandPlus.
“A few months ago a doctor told me MedibandPlus emergency medical service helped save his patient’s life. Hearing this keeps me motivated knowing each day makes a positive difference in someone’s life.”
Mediband has evolved extensively over the years and Michael explains that’s where his heart is at the moment, but that’s not to say there will be other opportunities and adventures in other areas in the future!
“There is no single key to success. There are, however, a number of building blocks to success. For example, creating a product where there was no product before, listening to customers, being open to new ideas and concepts, drive and determination, getting the product mix and name right are important factors when starting up a business.”