The Hidden Side Effects Of Unseen Illness
Living with an "unseen illness" can present more challenges than anyone realises. You can't really explain to your co-workers, family, and friends what you're going through on a daily basis. Nor would you want to - talking about it all the time doesn't make you feel any better. Plus, everyone else gets tired of hearing about it. The frustration can cause you to have additional side effects on top of your unseen illness.
What Is An Unseen Illness?
An unseen illness is just that - one that others can't see. It's one that you have to live with, day in and day out. There are treatments and medicines that can make life bearable, but you still have to find ways to get through your day. You still have to continue to work and function to take care of yourself and your family.
Unseen illnesses include:
Digestive Disorders
Arthritis (this includes Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis)
Migraine Headaches
For those with obvious physical handicaps, it's somewhat easier to assist with their struggles. They suffer with many problems. The difference is that you can see when they need help. While you won't always have a solution, their strife is plain to see.
Functioning With Unseen Illness
Even though most days you'd probably rather stay in bed due to your unseen illness, you still have to get up and face the day. There are people who rely and depend on you. Your children need you. Your job needs you.
Yet, what options do you have? Your family looks up to you and counts on you. You can't let them down. Besides, you don't want to miss out on any of the joys that being a parent brings.
You can't call out of work every other day. You can't actually show up to work and then not work. And you certainly can't sit there whining about your problems. You've got a job to do.
Fears Of Being In Public
One of the worst fears of being in public with an unseen illness is that you will have an attack and no one will know what is happening to you. You've probably never discussed your illness with any of your co-workers. It might be in your work files, but by the time your boss checks your records, precious time could be lost.
If you're unconscious or cannot focus, you won't be able to tell anyone about your medical condition or what is causing your attack. This type of fear is enough to make you never want to leave your home.
Living a Normal Life
With an unseen illness, you have your good days and your bad days. Overall, you want to function and live a normal life. On a good day, it's easy to forget that you even have a problem. Sometimes you even feel so good that you think you've overcome it.
Many unseen illnesses are chronic, meaning that they can recur at any time. When you're feeling good, you may tend to overdo things, like sports. Yet, it's always there, and it's best to be prepared in case of an attack.
The Mediband Solution
The pain of an unseen illness is very real. So, how do you make others aware of your problem without constantly having to discuss it? Mediband has your answer!
A comfortable silicone Mediband medical alert bracelet can alert everyone to your condition so that they will know which steps to take should they see you in distress, or if you cannot communicate.
The Mediband medical ID bracelets send a clear message to everyone about your medical condition. Not having to explain yourself makes it much easier for you to get through your day.
There is a lot of talk these days about online medical records. Want to learn more about this? Click the link to read more about online medical records.