Lymphedema Alert Bracelets & How YOU Can Stay Safe
At Mediband, we’re committed to making it easy for you to stay safe. Our line of medical ID bracelets, including lymphedema alert bracelets, provides clear and direct information about any condition you may have. This leaves no question about how to treat you if you cannot speak during an emergency.
One of the bracelets we provide is designed for people with lymphedema. Lymphedema is a condition which affects the lymphatic system. Fluid in your lymph nodes collects in the fatty tissue under your skin. This causes undue swelling that is most common in your arms and legs. As a result, you need to be careful about certain treatments that could cause you undue pain.
By wearing lymphedema alert bracelets, you can protect yourself from this type of mistreatment in a medical emergency. Read on and learn more about the condition. We’ll also show you other great ways to stay safe and protect yourself.
More About Lymphedema.
Many people endure this condition after receiving treatment for cancer. There are also other causes for this condition.
- Occurs as a Congenital Effect (Born with It).
- Presents After Surgery (Temporary).
- Appears A Few Years After Treatment (Chronic).
No matter which type you may have, there are lots of treatment methods to manage lymphedema. Of course, you also need to remain careful that other people are aware of your condition. For example, medical staff and hospitals must know you have it to give you proper treatment.
The problem comes from the pressure and pain from the swelling. As mentioned, swelling occurs in your arms and legs. This swelling causes a great deal of pain in many patients. As a result, you need to stay careful about your risks.
Furthermore, this raises questions about your medical treatment. What happens if you’re unable to speak because of an emergency? You don’t want medical staff taking your blood pressure or using needles. Since your skin is sensitive, you should avoid these treatment options.
The last thing you want to do is increase your risk factors. You have enough to worry about, after all. Therefore, you should give yourself a way to communicate if you can’t speak. And this is where Mediband is here to help.
How to Stay Safe with Lymphedema.
- Listen to Your Doctor.
As always, you should seek out advice from your doctor. Your doctor can assess your health and risk factors. You will also develop a treatment plan based on your exact medical needs.
No matter what, you need to listen to your doctors. They will help you stay safe and aim for better overall health.
- Care for Your Body.
Your lymph system is a major aspect of your whole body. As a result, you need to pay special attention to taking care of yourself. For most people, this will include a healthy diet to manage a healthy weight. You may also have an exercise plan to help you keep fit.
Again, you’ll want to speak with your doctor to learn what’s right for your care. Some people should avoid exercise or follow special dietary instructions. With any major change in your diet or lifestyle, make sure you also consult with your doctor.
- Use Mediband Lymphedema Alert Bracelets.
Mediband provides durable and easy to read medical ID bracelets for lymphedema. Made from medical grade silicone, you’ll enjoy a strong and comfortable lymphedema alert bracelets to place on your wrists. Many people put the wristband on the wrist of a specific arm affected by lymphedema.
Our medical ID wristbands provide a clear message of “Alert! Lymphedema.” We also have bracelets which display “No Blood Pressure No Needles.” Both of these wristbands give a clear and direct message to medical staff and hospitals. They can serve as your voice if you are not able to talk.
Wear a Mediband Lymphedema Alert Bracelets Mediband Today.
Living with lymphedema is already hard enough for you. Why not make things a little easier
when it comes to your safety?
Something as simple as silicone lymphedema alert bracelets provides you with a powerful tool to improve your safety. It’s a hassle-free way to keep yourself protected in all situations. Since it’s so easy, who wouldn’t want this peace of mind?
Take your safety into your own hands – literally! Order your Mediband medical ID lymphedema alert bracelets today.
Further information and resources on lymphedema can be found below:
Lymphatic Education & Research Network
Australasian Lymphology Association