medical wristbands for kids

  1. Who are you? (Medical ID Bracelet saves lives.)

    Who are you? (Medical ID Bracelet saves lives.)
    Medical ID BraceletIf you're living with diabetes (or a member of the family is), you'll know the importance of quick action in the event of a collapse. Nothing can be scarier than an accident where you're unable to respond to questions.  Or, worse, where passers-by (or police) think a non-reactive hypoglycaemic patient is drunk or drugged. Medical ID Bracelets Professional responders are now trained to look for a Medical ID Bracelets (like our Mediband or MedibandPlus wristband).  Once identified, the correct medical recovery actions can be started immediately. Continue reading →
  2. School lunch box blues? Try these:

    We've all been there. Uneaten lunches, ignored snacks and the temptation to give in to packaged, processed, sugary snacks from the supermarket. This is especially hard if you're dealing with an ill child. But don't worry! Here are some imaginative - healthy - ideas: Whole-grain crackers with low fat cheese Frozen grapes for morning tea - they're still lovely and cold by 10.30 or so Fresh fruit and yogurt in a Tupperware container - still cool by lunch if kept out of the sun Unsalted pretzels Popped corn without butter or salt Continue reading →

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