healthy living

  1. Mediband and healthy routines

    healthy livingWe're all human, and that means we have human frailties but human strength too. And one of the strengths we have is our innate need for habit. Build a habit and you build a way of doing things for life. So the trick is to build healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Here are 5 healthy habits you could look towards building. 1. Get to bed on time, give yourself at least 8 hours and stick with a regular bedtime and a regular get up time. 2. Find what motivates you to stay healthy and use it. Is it pride, is it your family, is it your partner? 3. Reward yourself. Continue reading →
  2. Staying healthy in a busy world

    Yeah, good luck with that I hear everyone say. But the secret is not doing more, it's doing it smarter. 1. Walk where possible. Think of your weekly routine. Do you jump in the car to go to the shops? Pick up the kids from school in the car? Take the opportunity to leave the car at home and walk, walk, walk. 2. Use an app to track your health. For example MyFitnessPal tracks your calories and your exercise. 3. Forget sugary snacks! You don't need chips and chocolate to get your through the idea. Really. You don't. Continue reading →
  3. The simple trick to reading food labels

    The simple trick to reading food labelsConfused by food labels? At a loss to know what to eat with so many articles telling us this or that? Here's a simple lifehack that will give you a rule of thumb to follow in the supermarket. Fats: Look for foods that have less than 15g. The lower the better and avoid foods with processed fats. Sodium (salt): Look for less than 200mg Carbohydrates: Calculate the Hormonal Carbohydrate amount  by subtracting Dietary Fibre and Protein from the 'Total Carbohydrate' figure on the label and choose foods with a sum of less than 15. Prevention is better than the cure Continue reading →
  4. The 5 things you can do to stay healthy

    What you do now will have an impact as you get older... so in other words, Eat well, Exercise, get enough Sleep, don't Smoke and drink in Moderation. These guys have suggestions for the children in your life, but we all need to be aware of what we do and how we treat our bodies.   Continue reading →

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