Preventative Care

Everyone wants to work against ill health. Becoming chronically sick or debilitated can slow you down during a time in your life when you should be thriving. Who would ever want to experience this type of suffering if you don’t have to?

A growing component to overall healthcare and wellness is the aspect of preventative care. Preventative care is the process you can follow to help address an issue before it becomes a major problem. You lower your own chances of injury, illness and related problems.

As more and more people become aware of their health and wellness, the focus on preventative healthcare is even more important. It’s your own long-term health that’s at stake here. Why wouldn’t you want to do whatever you can to make sure you’re living a healthier and more satisfying life?

Understanding Prevention in Health & Wellness

Preventative Care

Obviously most of us already know that we should work to live our lives as best as we can. But do you really know what that means in terms of what you’re doing?

Just listen to some of this data about health, wellness and preventative care from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare:

The current focus of prevention [for the AIHW] is on chronic diseases through modifying human behaviours that affect health, such as tobacco smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, and harmful use of alcohol.”

As you can see, a huge component of better overall healthcare is behaviour. In many cases, this comes down to you. By taking your health into your own hands, you can help reduce many of the risk factors. That way, you lower your chances of developing many chronic diseases. Even better, you set yourself up to live a long, healthy life.

What Preventative Care Means for You

Here are several strategies on how preventative care and action can help you keep yourself poised for long-term wellness:

Getting Regular Health Screenings

Working alongside your healthcare providers could be the single most important component to any type of preventative initiative. Your doctors and specialists are the experts. They can help guide you toward an overall better, healthier life. That’s why you need to make them a priority in your overall health and wellness.

Working with your doctor, you can identify potential diseases, disorders or conditions you may be at-risk to develop. From there, you can be regularly screened to ensure you’re not developing any of these issues.

Eating Better

Preventative Care

When you’re putting better food into your body, this will be reflected in your body’s response to those foods. That’s the core principle behind better eating. And as countless studies and research shows, diet plays a huge part in your overall health.

Eating better includes making better choices about the types of foods you put into your body. It also means understanding how to better control your portions for better weight management. All of these factors can be identified by working with your doctor or other medical professional. They can get you on the road to better eating without making the process overly complicated.

Exercising More Regularly

Incorporating a regular exercise routine into your daily life isn’t just good for your appearance. It’s one of the most important aspects of your overall health, disease prevention and weight management.

Exercise may sound like an intimidating term to some people. But working with your doctor, you can determine a routine that’s appropriate just for you. It could be something as simple as taking a walk every day or having a gentle swim. In any case, getting active can bring a variety of positive benefits to your health.

Quitting Smoking

This one should go without saying – smoking kills. Smoking cessation always showcases huge preventative benefits to stopping the onset of related diseases.

If you’re ready to quit, one of the best strategies is known as the ‘5 As’ approach from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. This is a smoking cessation and counseling process designed for you to work alongside your doctor. The 5 As include the following:

1. Ask
2. Assess
3. Advise
4. Assist
5. Arrange Follow-up

Wearing Mediband Healthcare Alert Bracelets

Preventative Care medical ID bracelets

Whenever you’re prescribed a medication, the bottle is clearly labeled. That way, there’s no mistaking the medicine you have in your cabinet, purse or bag. And you can rest assured that you’re taking what you need – and not mixing it with potentially dangerous combinations.

You already alert yourself to the types of medication you’re taking. So here’s an important question: why wouldn’t you alert other people as well? What happens if you’re rendered unconscious or unable to communicate and people need to know what medicine you take?

This is the exact scenario that shows why it’s important to wear health alert bracelets for the medicines you take. It’s not for you. Instead, it’s quick access to information for other people.

The bottom line is that Mediband medical alert Bracelets can serve as another highly effective step in ongoing preventative healthcare.

Pharmacists can help their patients even more by recommending health alert bracelets such as Mediband when they prescribe medications. For one, it makes that medication absolutely clear to other people who may need to help. Even better, it will alert emergency personnel so that they can more quickly diagnose and treat people during medical emergencies.

How a Few Small Changes Can Yield Big Results

For many people, the prospect of preventative healthcare may seem like an overwhelming task or an insurmountable obstacle. But the truth is much more manageable than that. Taking your health into your own hands should not overwhelm you. Instead, it should invigorate and excite you. It’s your health that you’re improving. Why wouldn’t that make you happier?

The tips listed above are just a few ways you can help to live a safer, healthier life. Even something as easy as wearing a health alert bracelet could serve as a major contributing factor to your improved safety. And adding a health alert bracelet to your daily routine certainly is not an overwhelming task as far as your health is concerned.

You should think of all the other tips in the same manner. Work toward your overall improved health. Slowly integrate newer, healthier habits into your routine. Work with your doctor and other healthcare providers for advice and help. All of these steps end in one final result: a healthier, happier ‘you.’