If you have a medical condition that may require intervention, you need to wear a Mediband Plus bracelet. The benefits could be a life-saver. There's more information Visit MedibandPlus.

1. Supplements may well work. Antioxidant supplements may well increase your life span says a study in Science Daily. The review of a number of models suggests that taking  vitamin A, C, E and selenium may increase your chances slightly.

2. Obesity lowers your brain power. An article published on CBS News today suggests that older adults  who are obese have an increased chance of reducing the power of the brain. The cognitive function study was carried out in South Korea and is another pointer to the importance of losing weight.

3. Don't lose your hair. A protein called Prostaglandin D2 seems to be the culprit in causing male pattern baldness. Knowing what to blame is one thing - the big deal is, however, that scientists now have a target for their research into arresting its production in men. Treatments may not be that far away!

4. Are you living with type 2 diabetes? The first thing to do is get yourself a MedibandPlus bracelet (Visit MedibandPlus)  The second thing to do is plan how to live with it. A Harvard Medical School suggests things like exercise on a regular basis will help enormously. Walking, resistance training, swimming and aerobics are all good. The key is regularity.