It ain't easy! What with all the 100ml restrictions, the food choices on board aircraft, the food restrictions into various countries. It can be a real problem.

Here's what Dr Brad Weselman recommends:

Negotiate with the airline about what you can and can't have or take on board. Take a lunchbox just in case with fresh fruit and crispy snacks you're safe with. Take crackers and portable, non-perishable foods that are safe for your child. The airline may say they'll be able to cater, but you don't want to be 30,000 feet up and discover they've 'forgotten'.

Reconfirm your requests multiple times with multiple airline representatives, including the check in staff. If your allergies are severe, don't eat the airline food at all - it's not worth the risk.

Take proper documentation with you regarding your child's condition. This includes:

  • The type of allergic reaction
  • The cause of the reaction
  • The treatment prescribed for the reaction
  • The response to the medications

He also recommends a medic alert bracelet documenting the allergy in case you are not with your child and a reaction occurs. This is also recommended for older children.

If your child is attending school Medibands brand medical bracelet is an ideal way to remind teachers and carers of your child's condition. They're easier than metal bracelets and they look cool! Mediband medic alert bracelets come in a range of colours to make wearing them a little less of a duty.  Our MedibandPlus medic alert bracelet gives treating professionals all the essential information very quickly. MedibandPlus acts as a medical alert bracelet and helps to relay information that may save a life. If anyone in the family suffers an illness that renders them unconscious, medic alert bracelets or allergy bracelets are vital.

What a recent customer said:

"  I am a huge fan of medibands - originally we found out about them through my 6 year old son's allergist, around 4 years ago. It made me feel much more comfortable when he was a lot younger and could wear his allergy band to kindy etc - it is a constant reminder to those who care for him that he has allergies. It also creates awareness for anyone else who happens to notice and comment, and I try and educate them about allergies too. Now that he is getting a little older, it is normal for him to wear his allergy band. It's comfortable for him and no problems at all. Keep up the great service mediband! You process orders very promptly too, prices very reasonable."

- Leanne - Warwick, Queensland

Check this week's specials! If you need immediate treatment then you'll know that mere minutes can make all the difference, Mediband or MedibandPlus is a must. They’re inexpensive and could save a life.