All the news that's fit to print... from a wide range of sources around the interwebz. Enjoy! And don't forget, if you or a family member has a medical condition, protect yourself with a Mediband - so medical assistance can assess your needs quickly.

1. Sun damage is real Australians and other hot climes folks already know the truth of what the sun can do, but it may surprise cooler clime people to hear that slapping on the sunscreen is imperative for them too. Teenagers with fair skin need to cover their extremities and protect their faces from sun damage, and the potential for skin cancer further down the track. Indoor, or solarium tanning, is just plain silly and extended play outside - say, a baseball game - needs protection says these recommendations.

2. Chubby does not equal cute - babies! Apparently we're all sticking to the old myth that a chubby little baby is a healthy little baby. Not so says this study. The myth arises from the harsh realities of potato famines, malnutrition and great depression ideals - where a well fed baby with some body weight was good protection about potentially lean  times coming up. That is no longer the case and overfeeding baby can result in obesity in later years - so the big news from this study is essentially chubby is not good, chubby may encourage patterns of over-eating.

3. Melanoma Monday - check it out.  Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of skin cancer in the world and this Monday it's time to check out how to prevent it and why to prevent it. Melanoma is deadly but it can be caught and treated early - with 98% survival rate. Make the effort this Monday to learn more - even just the simplest identification charts. Even better, learn the ABCDE of melanoma. There's more information here.

4. Close that medicine cupboard! Do you know what you've got in the medicine cabinet? Chances are, if you're like most people, you have a bunch of old prescriptions - some for quite powerful painkillers - leftover from various minor surgeries, dental procedures and the like. And you've just never bothered to throw them away. Check the cupboard now and discard anything more powerful than codeine because some studies suggest that teenagers are experimenting with the powerful painkillers they may find in the family meds cupboard. And the emerging issue is that 12 - 21 year olds are using painkillers found in the home at a higher rate than ever before.

5. Want to protect your kids at school?  Kids with medical conditions - even minor ones - need some form of information  at school. Even if teachers are aware of an allergy, for example, substitute teachers may not be. Other parents picking your child up for a play date may not know either, or it may slip their mind. Make sure everyone know there's an issue that needs protecting with a mediband - information, reminders, awareness - it all helps protect and keep your child safe - and they're inexpensive.

Who doesn't like a card trick - especially when it's done with theatre!

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